The Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor (JDL) has posted the hearing notice for the Friday, August 2, at 12 noon hearing to consider the appointment of James H. Ashford to fill a vacancy for Judge of the District Court of the First Circuit. Details on how to offer testimony appear on the hearing notice. Additional information on the appointment can be found on the 2013 Senate... Read More JDL Hearing August 2nd...
It's official -- the deadlines have all passed. There are 288 new laws as the result of the 2013 Regular Session. That's 10% of all of the bills introduced (2,872), which is a bit higher than the usual percentage. Visit the Reports and Lists page on the Legislature's website to access: Acts Bills signed by the Governor Bills that became... Read More 2013 Session Laws...
Monday, June 24, is the deadline for the Governor to provide the Legislature with his "intent to veto" list. Is there a bill that you think should be on it? Or, one you think should be signed into law? Let him know! Email: Visit the Governor's website at and go to the "Contact Us" page. Scroll down, and you'll find... Read More Should the Governor Sign the Bill? Veto It? Let him know...
Some dates to keep in mind... April 25th: Last day to file Non-Fiscal Bills to deck for Final ReadingApril 26th: Last day to file Fiscal Bills to deck for Final ReadingMay 2nd: Adjournment sine die (Session pau! Come to 401 for our End-of-Session Potluck 12 noon -2 p.m.) Governor's Deadlines: June 24th: Notice of intent to veto deadline (35th day... Read More We’re in the homestretch...
The legislators are meeting to come up with the final form of bills to send off to the governor. Here are a few resources to help make it easier to follow things during conference. The Public Access Room has a new information sheet that provides an overview to conference. It's creatively titled, "Conference Committee Information," and can be found on... Read More It’s Conference Time...
Second Decking Friday, April 5th is the Second Decking deadline. That's the date by which a bill must be filed with the non-originating chamber's Clerk for 3rd reading. The Hawaii Constitution, Article III, Section 15 states in part, "No bill shall become law unless it shall pass three readings in each house on separate days. No bill shall pass third or final... Read More “Second verse, Same as the first!”...
The budget worksheets have been posted on the Legislature's website. (On the right-hand side of the page, select "Legislative Information" and then the "Budget Worksheets" for 2013.) The worksheets provide detail and explanation of the changes made from the previous version of the bills. Interested in the changes the House made to the Executive Budget submitted by the Governor? Click... Read More Budget Worksheets are Posted...
To help make sense of the budget discussions next week, the Public Access Room's posted its latest information sheet -- Budget Overview. Budget Decking is Monday, March 11th, and Budget Crossover is Wednesday, March 13th. (Check out the 2013 Session Calendar for other upcoming deadlines.) Read More Diving into the Budget...
March 7th is the deadline for bills (other than the budget) to crossover to the other chamber for consideration. It's a great time to take a look at what's still alive. How? Just go to the Legislature's website, click on "Reports and Lists" and under the "First Crossover" section view the Senate Bills Crossed Over to the House or the House Bills Crossed... Read More First Crossover — Time to take a Fresh Look...