See our PAR trifold brochure to learn more about what we do!

The Public Access Room (PAR) provides the public with resources for participation in the State legislative process. This includes knowledge of how things work at the Capitol, a physical location for use by members of the public, and workshops presented throughout the islands. PAR is a non-partisan office, and there is never a fee for services. Please call, email, or come on by – we’d like to help you to be an effective participant at the Legislature.

In Room 401 you’ll find:

  • Expert staff assistance
  • Computers, a printer, and office supplies to use as you research legislative items or issues, prepare correspondence or write testimony
  • Workspace for writing, researching, and conducting small meetings
  • Television monitors for viewing hearings and sessions via internal cable network
  • Information sheets and handouts with up to date information about the Legislature, its proceedings, and how the public can participate
  • Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) with annual updates
  • Recent Session Laws of Hawaii (SLH)
  • Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB) handbooks and session reference reports
  • Dictionaries, thesaurus, and other helpful texts
  • Helpful, non-partisan staff
  • Recharging station for your electronic devices
  • A public phone for short local calls related to legislative issues
  • Wheelchair accessible workstation with moveable keyboard shelf, wireless keyboard and mouse