Grants-in-Aid (GIA) Applications
While we don’t know exactly when the application for Grant-in-Aid (GIA) funds will be available, we do know the deadline to complete and submit them — 4:30 p.m. on January 22, 2016.
The GIA application and instructions will be posted on the Legislature’s website (capitol.hawaii.gov) sometime the week of December 21st. To find them, just click on the “Legislative Information” bar on the right, and…
Read more… Grants-in-Aid (GIA) Applications
Register to vote online
You can now register to vote online! You can also update your registration, confirm your registration address, and request to vote by mail.
Just visit the Office of Elections Register to Vote page. If you have questions, contact the Office of Elections at 808/453-8683 or [email protected].
If you’re not registered, do it today. And spread the word.
First Lateral — 58% Survive
Last Friday, February 15th, was the First Lateral deadline — now all bills must be in the last committee to which they’ve been referred in their originating chamber. Otherwise, barring extraordinary measures, they’re dead. (Or, more accurately, “zombified” until next year’s session.)
You can take a look at which’ve survived — and how they’ve morphed — by going to the “Reports and Lists” page on the…
Read more… First Lateral — 58% Survive