Wondering what sections of the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) were affected by the 2023 Session? Want a handy index? You've got it! LRB creates a great report every year -- and the 2023 edition has been published: https://lrb.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023_SupplementalInfo.pdf Read More Was an Existing Law Affected?...
The last five bills on the Governor's desk became law without his signature on July 11, 2023. So we've got a final count: 263 bills became acts of law this year, out of a total of 3,132 bills that were introduced. (That's about 8.4%.) View the new laws here: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/advreports/advreport.aspx?year=2023&report=deadline&rpt_type=gov_acts&measuretype=HB,SB&title=Acts Read More Final Count for 2023 Regular Session...
Post-2023 Legislative Session Workshop You've made it through another year's legislative session. After a few weeks of recuperation, join us for a Zoom workshop to help focus on what you can do when the legislators aren't in session.We'll explore tips on regrouping, the status of pending legislation, and actions you can take during the interim to try to move your issue forward.... Read More Session’s Pau… What Now?!...
Wondering what happens next for the hundreds of bills on the Governor's desk? Wondering when you'll know whether the bill becomes law? You may have to wait -- we may not know the fate of some of them until July 11, 2023! If a bill introduced during the 2023 Regular Session did not pass out of the Legislature, it carries... Read More Next Step for Bills That Passed Legislature...
They got through a lot of bills today, and there's just one more session day to go! Tomorrow's a recess day. On Thursday, May 4, the House convenes at 10 a.m., the Senate convenes at 11 a.m. To see the bills pending, bills that passed, and all sorts of reports, go to the Legislature's website and click on the "Reports... Read More 2023 Session “By the Numbers”...