General Rules & Guidelines

The Public Access Room (PAR) was established in 1990 “to enhance [the public’s] ability to participate in the legislative process” (HRS §21G-2). Use of the room is a privilege and is reserved for legislative activities only. Patrons of our room shall adhere to the following guidelines.

  • We welcome and embrace all citizens, regardless of any position or viewpoint held. However, we appreciate your kokua in refraining from proselytizing or campaigning for your positions in PAR. No electoral campaign-related activities or work is permitted in PAR.
  • Maintain a quiet atmosphere by keeping your voices down when using our room.
  • Refrain from using profanity or acting in a disrespectful manner. Please refrain from all disruptive behavior (including excessive noise, offensive personal hygiene, and distracting or intrusive actions).
  • Any threatening or violent conduct while in the Capitol building or on the Capitol grounds may result in immediate banishment from PAR for one year.
  • Limited eating or drinking is allowed in the room but no messy items and drinks should have lids. Patrons are asked to clean up after themselves and be respectful of the space. Staff may ask patrons to take messy or strongly smelling items outside of the room.
  • Please do not leave any personal belongings in the room. PAR staff are not responsible for personal belongings or valuables that are left unattended. Belongings left unattended are subject to immediate removal and disposal.
  • Please limit your cell phone calls while in PAR. All lengthy conversations should be conducted outside the room.
  • While patrons with young children are welcome to use our facilities, patrons are expected to actively monitor their charges and oversee their behavior while in the room.
  • Use of PAR may be limited to one hour per day.

Services & Facilities


  • PAR public computers and internet access are to be used only for state legislative research, testimony, and related correspondence.
  • If you are discovered on an obviously inappropriate website or found to be working on campaign-related matters, you will be immediately banned from PAR for one year.
  • Public documents are routinely cleared from the computer’s hard drive. If you wish to save a document, please save it on your personal storage device (flashdrive or memory stick).
  • Do not attempt to transfer or install programs from the internet or your personal storage device on to the computer.
  • Do not change any of the computers’ settings.
  • One public computer offers the JAWS program for people with visual impairments, and the workstation nearest the door is configured to be accessible to patrons with physical disabilities. We appreciate your kokua in helping to make these available to patrons in need of the stations’ unique features. NVDA open source screen reader is installed on all public computers.

Printing & Photocopy Services

  • Limited printing services are only available for testimony, correspondence and research information related to Hawaii State legislative matters
  • As a public service, the Public Access Room supplies numerous PAR-produced documents free of charge to the public. These documents are also available electronically.
  • We reserve the right to place reasonable limits on the number of physical copies provided.
  • Limited copies of bills and resolutions are available through the Senate and House print shops.
  • Patrons should consider visiting local print shops or the public library for regular and/or high-quality copy and printing requests, especially those beyond the capacity of PAR resources or outside the scope of legislative activities. Patrons can use PAR computers to email content or save to cloud accounts. PAR staff can assist with limited scanning of legislative-related content which can be emailed to patrons.

Public Telephone

  • Use of PAR’s public telephone is available for outgoing local calls pertaining to legislative matters. Please check with PAR staff before making arrangements to receive incoming calls.
  • Please limit calls to 5 minutes per call.
  • No more than 5 phone calls per day may be made.
  • Phone conversations must be conducted at a low enough volume that others in the room will not be disturbed.


  • Equipment is to be operated by PAR staff members only.
  • Volume must remain low enough so as not to disturb other patrons in the room.
  • Televisions are to be used to monitor committee hearings, floor sessions, and other legislative events.

Staff Equipment/Stations

  • PAR staff equipment and workstations may not be used by the public.
  • The photocopier is to be operated by PAR staff only.
  • The supply area of the room (near the copy machine) is for PAR staff use only.

*All people who use PAR space, services, and equipment are required to comply with the policies and rules as set forth in this document. Please note that PAR staff members have the authority to use their discretion when upholding these policies. Anyone who fails to comply with the policies of the Public Access Room will be issued a verbal warning for the infraction. If the warning is not heeded, Public Access Room staff members have the authority to ban patrons from entry for a period of one year. [EXCEPTION:  Inappropriate website use (sex sites, campaigning, etc.) or threatening behavior while in the building or on Capitol grounds will result in an immediate ban from PAR for one year.] When an individual is banned from entry, a document will be prepared that will state the period of banishment, the date for the return of eligibility for PAR privileges, and the nature of the infraction.

Workshops and Training

  • PAR staff may provide training by request during regular business hours, Monday-Friday; for training not at the State Capitol, preference will be for training over zoom (which PAR can facilitate).
  • PAR staff cannot arrange for training or meeting space at the capitol. Groups should work with legislator offices to request rooms and to organize visits to the capitol.  Given advance notice, PAR staff is able to talk with visitors as part of such visits with advance notice, provided PAR schedule permits.
  • Because of the size of room 401, PAR space can facilitate in-person, PAR-led legislative training for no more than 20 people at one time.
  • Due to PAR staffing levels, requests for zoom training outside of business hours may be considered, but cannot be guaranteed.  Sufficient advance notice is required.

January 2025