“Your Voice”: Discover the Public’s Power in the Legislative Process
Pick up tips and tools to help you add your voice to Hawaii’s lawmaking process at PAR’s free workshop.
“Your Voice” is about an hour in length and covers the Legislature and how to effectively participate in the legislative process. Topics covered by the workshop include:
- Tips and techniques on effective lobbying, testimony, and communicating with Senators and Representatives
- Understanding the legislative process, deadlines, and power dynamics
- Easy to use tools available on the Legislature’s website
- Helpful handouts, guides, and resources
The flexible nature of the workshop provides a useful start for newcomers, as well as new information and inspiration for veterans of the legislative process. To get additional information or to schedule this or other workshops, contact us.
Upcoming Workshops
- 2025 Budget Workshop
- 2025 January Workshops
- Video on the Conference Process
- “And Then There Was Conference…”
- “Following the Budget” – A Zoom Workshop
Additional Resources
- Use Your Voice at the Legislature handout (PDF)
- “Your Voice” workshop PowerPoint
- “Your Voice” workshop PDF
- “Your Voice” video
- “Using the Legislature’s Website” PDF
- “Using the Legislature’s Website” video
- “The Basics: Intro to the Hawaii State Legislature” workshop PowerPoint
- “The Basics: Intro to the Hawaii State Legislature” workshop PDF
- Conference workshop (April 2024) PowerPoint
- Conference workshop (April 2024) Video
- Conference workshop (April 2024) .pdf
- Video of workshop “Using the Interim” (5/31/2023)
- “Using the Interim” workshop PDF