Update: The 2014 Session Calendar is here: https://lrbhawaii.org/par/fyi/2014cal.pdf .

It’s that time of year! Folks are starting to call the Public Access Room looking for the 2014 Legislative Calendar. We’d provide it if we could, but it hasn’t been issued yet. The Calendar will be jointly issued by the Senate President and House Speaker sometime before Session starts on January 15, 2014.

On the Legislature’s website, there’s a link in the upper left-hand corner to bring you to the official calendar — but for now it’s still showing the 2013 calendar.

Subscribe to PAR’s newsletter mailing list and we’ll not only let you know when the official calendar is out, but will provide you with our helpful, annotated 2014 Session Calendar. It will include explanations of the deadlines, helpful internal deadlines and is color coded to make things easier to follow. Join the mailing list by sending an ‘add me to your list’ message to [email protected] — or use the email link on the newsletter page on the PAR website.