Wondering what happens next for the hundreds of bills on the Governor's desk? Wondering when you'll know whether the bill becomes law? You may have to wait -- we may not know the fate of some of them until July 11, 2023! If a bill introduced during the 2023 Regular Session did not pass out of the Legislature, it carries... Read More Next Step for Bills That Passed Legislature...
Both chambers will reconvene in special sessions tomorrow, 7/8/2021, at 3p. There are three vetoed bills which the legislature AMENDED yesterday to meet the governor's objections (HB54, SB639, SB807). These amended bills are slated to be voted on tomorrow. If any of them passes by a majority in both chambers, it then goes off to the governor. He will have... Read More Amending a Vetoed Bill...
Wait! The legislature has the option to AMEND a vetoed bill?! Yes, though it's rarely done, the legislature has the option of convening prior to noon on the 45th day (this year, that's July 6th) and amending a vetoed bill to meet the governor's objections. The amended bill must pass one reading (vote) in the House and the Senate and... Read More Amending a Vetoed Bill...