Current Legislature
Find calendars, lists, maps, and more using the links below. For information on current bills, hearings, and floor sessions, visit the Legislature’s website at
Calendars and Deadlines | House and Senate | Senate | House of Representatives
Calendars and Deadlines

- Session Calendar * New (12/4)
- Which Deadlines Apply to My Bill? *New (12/9)
- Conference Procedures *To be updated in April
- Conference: Rooms and Scheduling *To be updated in April
- Governor’s Deadlines *New (12/18)
House and Senate

- Legislative Directory: Room/Phone/Fax/Email *Updated (12/19)
- Office Managers *Updated (1/28)
- Committee Clerks *Updated (1/27)
- Capitol Map *Revised (1/10)
- Distribution/Tally Sheet (by room number) *Updated (1/7)
- Mailing labels *New (12/13)
- District Maps *New (12/12)

- Leadership & Committees *Updated (12/24)
- Committees Schedule *New (1/17)
- Information-at-a-Glance *Updated (12/19)
- District Descriptions *New (12/10)
- Seating Chart *New (12/23)
- Pictures & Profiles *Updated (1/3)
- Senate Rules
House of Representatives

- Leadership & Committees *Updated (1/16)
- Committees Schedule *New (1/3)
- Information-at-a-Glance *Updated (12/27)
- District Descriptions *New (12/10)
- Seating Chart *New (1/8)
- Pictures & Profiles *Updated (1/8)
- House Rules