Hawaii Legislative History
How to research the history of a statute
Legislative history can be found in the source note following each section of the Hawaii Revised Statute (HRS). The information in brackets [ ] at the end of a HRS section provides the history in chronological order of when the section was enacted and amended.

Source Note Abbreviations
L – Year of enactment in Session Laws of Hawaii
c – Act #
s or § – Section
am – amended
rep. – repealed
gen ch – gender change
CC – Civil Code
PC – Penal Code
RL – Revised Laws of Hawaii
Example: source note for HRS 26-14.6 [L 1989, c 211, §2, etc.]
L 1989 = 1989 year Act passed; c 211 = Act 211; §2 = section 2 of the Act
Search for the Act in Session Laws of Hawaii (SLH) to find the bill number. Acts are arranged in numerical order and will provide the originating House or Senate bill number.

Use the table at end of the SLH to find the committee report numbers for the bill. The measures are normally arranged by Act or Bill number.

Senate & House Journals contents:
- Day to Day proceedings of the session
- Communications received after adjournment
- Appendix:
- Rules of the House/Senate
- Conference Committee Reports
- Standing Committee Reports
- History:
- House Bills
- House Concurrent Resolutions
- Senate Bills
- Senate Concurrent Resolutions

Find the committee reports in the House and Senate Journals.

To find committee report numbers for Acts prior to 1961 (information not available in SLH or Digest and Index of Laws Enacted).
Find the bill number in History of Bills Table located in the back of the House and Senate Journals.

Check each page number referenced in the House and Senate Journals for committee report numbers mentioned.

Online Research
Hawaii Revised Statutes – Current edition can be found on the Legislature’s website under the Laws & Research tab.
Hawaii Revised Statutes Archives (1999+) – Use to browse the past editions of the HRS.
Session Laws of Hawaii (1959+) – Can also be found on the Legislature’s website under the Laws & Research tab.
Legislative Archives (1999+) – Use to find Acts, bill drafts, committee reports, and testimony (2008+).
Legislative Committee Reports (2013+) – Use drop-down menu to select year, find committee reports (both standing & conference) on left hand column.
Acts (2013+) – Use drop-down menu to select year, Acts can be found under “Governor’s Actions.”
Senate Journals (1975+) – Use drop-down menu to select year.
House Journals (1970+) – Use drop-down menu to select year.
Digest and Index of Laws Enacted (1947-1994) – Use to find bill numbers, brief summaries of Acts, & committee report numbers.
Should you have any questions about the legislative history process, please feel free to contact us through email [email protected] or by phone at 808-587-0690.