Systems Office provides technical support for the computer-based operations of the Bureau and the Legislature and maintains a legislative information system providing the history and status of legislative measures, text of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, and text of the Session Laws of Hawaii.

The information on legislative measures includes a description, the introducer, committee referrals and committee report numbers, current status, roll call votes, and the sections of the Hawaii Revised Statutes affected by the bill. This information can be compiled in a variety of ways to tailor each search to individual needs. For example, the Systems Office can provide a list of bills a legislator introduced on a specific subject, or bills introduced that passed or did not pass the legislature. Systems Office staff will provide this information to a legislator in a printout, email, or over the telephone.


At significant junctures throughout the session, the Systems Office compiles and distributes lists relating to measures introduced. These lists include:

  • Crossover Bills (bills that passed third reading)
  • Bills Passed by the Hawaii State Legislature
  • Resolutions Adopted by the Hawaii State Legislature
  • List of Acts
  • List of Bills Vetoed by the Governor

The Systems Office also publishes annually “Requests by the Hawaii State Legislature to Agencies and Officials of Federal, State and County Governments and Quasi-public and Private Agencies”, which describes requests for studies or reports made by bill or resolution, including the measure numbers and agency and subject indexes. When the requested reports are received by the Bureau Library, they are cataloged and recorded in a reference copy of this publication for easy access to the reports.